Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yay! Free Movies

As the world slowly slips into a real life Mad Max 2 situation (Pray to God that it doesn't reach Thunderdome level), you are probably hoarding all your money Scrooge McDuck style or you have lost your job and thus have a lot of free time on your hands. Well, today is your lucky day. Check out and watch high quality copies (i.e. none of the shot on camcorder shit that all the little Chinese women try to sell you in NYC) of all the recent movies that you were too cheap to see in the theater this year. There is no download or registration required. Enjoy! 

(If neither of these situations apply to you, you are probably really rich. In that case you should be doing cocaine laced with flecks of pure gold off of the ass of the ass of the Brazilian super model that you just bought, not reading a stupid blog. What is wrong with you?)

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