Sunday, September 6, 2009


Times are tough, and when the shit hits the fan, a lot of people turn to the man with the master plan: The Notorious GOD. Every day, the Broadway Junction subway stop plays host to a variety of street preachers spreading the good news. Unfortunately, their take on the good news is somewhat apocalyptic. The end is nigh, my brothers and sisters...Repent or ye shall spent eternity in the fiery abyss. Below are some of the pamphlets they hand out.
I like how confident they seem to be that judgment day is coming considering the fact that it has been coming for the past 2000 years. They are like somebody who has been stood up for a date. If they just wait a little bit longer, the other person is bound to show up. Unfortunately, God probably isn't having car trouble.
They could have saved some printing costs with this one. Is it really necessary to inform people fundamentalist Christians' views vis-a-vis homosinuality. In case you aren't hip to the low down, I will give you a hint: They are not big fans of San Francisco.
I can't figure out who the little mountain climber man driving the spike into Christ's forearm is supposed to be. Historically, it would be the Romans, but the lack of a toga rules that out. The artist does score some points on the historical accuracy scale by depicting the spike being driven through the wrist as opposed to the palm. I do like the fact God throws a "please" in there. Yes, he will sentence you to an eternity of unimaginable torment if he finds you lacking, but he probably feels kinda bad about it.
In the end, it is important to realize that God does love you. Just don't fuck with him or you will regret it.

Jesus does look like a pretty cool dude, though!

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