If the first thing you thought upon seeing the dvd cover for Combat Academy is "Gee, I bet there are a ton of hijinks in that movie!", you would be 100% correct. In fact, Combat Academy is nothing but one big hijink, and how could it not be with that cast. You have got Richard Mull aka Bull the bailiff on Night Court, Sherman Hemsley aka George motherfucking Jefferson, Jamie Farr aka Klinger on MASH, and John Ratzenberger aka Cliff Clavin on Cheers. The types of trouble that this collection of knuckleheads could get up to makes the mind reel. In fact, I would even go as far to say that the cast of Combat Academy is on par with what I consider to be the dream team of zaniness, the cast of Canonball Run 2.
One of the love interests is played by Dana Hill aka Audrey Griswold in National Lampoon's European Vacation which is an odd choice considering the fact that her face has the same look of bloated swell as that of Jerry Lewis when he was taking steroids. Oops, according to IMDB, Hill suffered from severe diabetes which led to her premature death at 32, and I am guessing was also probably responsible for her strange looks. Now I feel bad...still an odd choice though.
Keith Gideon who played Rodney Dangerfield's son in the classic Back to School is one of the leads, and let me tell you, he is one hairy ass motherfucker. There is this scene in a pool where it looks like he is entangled in seaweed, but upon closer inspection, what I thought was seaweed is really his extremely long back and shoulder hair. Shave that shit, bitch.
Oh, and George Clooney plays one of the villains, but unfortunately he does not display the genius that was to come when he played Matt Stevens in Return of the Killer Tomatoes!. Oh, Mr. Clooney, how far we have traveled...